суббота, 7 марта 2020 г.


If at first it was easy enough to compare Behold BeTAB and , then the more I tested both models, the more I understood that it is just impossible to choose "right" model. What concerns Voyage Lite, it is able to receive only analog TV, and its advantages and limitations comply with its possibilities. In addition it worth to mention that it allows to listen to the radio — both FM and DVB — and supports capturing from external analog video sources. At least if you like to setup and try — Android provides all for this trials. But this is not yet all. So, if mentioned disadvantages are not important for you, you may easily buy Behold BeTAB — it worths the money it costs.
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The fourth bay is predestined for 3. BeholdTV T8 is interesting not only by its miniature size, but also by extended functional rda and excellent quality of analog television reception, which makes it very interesting from the pont of view of using it in compact Mini-ITX and HTPC computers".

Download Behold TV 609 RDS Computer Driver Update

Or all the trick is just another type of antenna connector? Review on site f1cd. In connection to this, new products appear not so beholdr, but every tuner has a long lifetime before phasing out, and support by driver and software updates.

Due to innovative behooder in developing and application to production of new unique technologies to this market segment, launch of every new TV tuner model become a true remarkable event. But this is not yet all. Unfortunately, good impression is spoiled with slight slowing down, but something tells us that the release of new firmwares will fix this annoying issue.

So, Behold TV RDS — obvious favourite of our test… In hard receiving conditions not every tuner is capable to show clear image without noise. From previous models M6 and M6 Extra got bsholder high functionality, excellent quality of hardware and software design and ease of control.

It is the result of powerful application software with filters and high quality hardware. Flexible application software allows to completely reveal all hardware capabilities of tuner and, at that time, has transparent and friendly interface.

In its features it excels not only analogous models of other manufacturers, but even the built-in tuners in plasma and LCD panels. And all these functions appeared, at hardware level and all in one application software. Indeed, more than a year developers from Beholder wrought the novelties. In "city" or with good cable TV signal it provides excellent picture.

New behoolder of well-known TV tuners. Such as, for example, hardware MPEG encoder with excellents quality on low bitrates or universal antenna inputs. So the owners of "beholders" may surely upgrade their systems to Windows Vista. Or overvoltage protection on antenna input. For compatibility with analog devices there is a full set of analog outputs.

Clock frequencies in OC mode exceed those performed by the reference model and make up MHz in nominal mode, increasing to MHz on dynamic overclocking. What is attractive for modern customer in this beholdfr standalone box that doesn't require software installation?

Beholder Multimedia, list of models

Drivers are the property and the responsibility of their respective manufacturers, behoolder may also be available for free directly from manufacturers' websites.

Moreover, already now appeared ideas about development of sixth series, which, we hope, will soon be available in new version of application software, but we'll talk about that in another article.

The way two years long beuolderand now we have the next occasion to talk about how changes the Russian market of TV tuners, and what new prepared this, already became popular, manufacturer. Along with reliable reception, qualitative picture, support of stereo sound, high resolution and different useful modes of work, tested model has a whole bsholder of unique features.

The same fate striked also video, texts and who knows what else — all is transfered to the digital formats. All that it was possible to create, all achievements of indistry presented by this model.

Download drivers for Beholder Multimedia

No one other TV tuner behollder market has such variety of hardware encoder settings, and that will definitely please those who wish to get maximum freedom of action. In Beholder company decided to renew the TV tuner product line, and to offer lite and low cost versions of their best TV tuners.

And the reason is not so in throughput capacity as in solutions that may not be behooder using old component base. In addition to these valuable multimedia capabilities, Behold TV H7 will show the signal from external device on your display or will record it.

I've got information about start of development long enough, but, then it wasn't clear enough what will be in the result. We may say for sure that in future we'll see more than one extraodinary solution, which, probably, will be differently apprehended by public, but we are sure that this will be functional and high-quality product that has a great potentioal for the future…" 23 May In our Downloads page released driver version 4.

To update the firmware you need to use new utility version 1. As in the previous model, it has possibility to turn on PC by remote control:

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